San Francisco 7/29/2011 4:05:46 AM
News / Internet

Blogs and video content can prove useful in law firm marketing

The internet can be a wealth of information, and a valuable way to market a variety of services and products. But a lack of new content will cause a web page to drop in rankings.

A majority of people who use search engines are looking for information, and adding informative blogs, press releases or video content to a website can dramatically increase traffic to a law firm’s website, and is crucial in any law firm marketing strategy.

Blogs, either written or in the form of video, gives each lawyer a voice and allows them to comment on the judicial system and other facets of the legal industry. The average person finds the legal profession very mysterious and often seeks out webpages when they need help deciding who is qualified to represent them with their legal issues. Touting victories and successes can lead to more and more lucrative cases.

Many search engines give higher rankings to sites that update their content on a regular basis. Adding new information on a weekly or monthly basis can be crucial to any internet marketing campaign.

Lawyers, like any other person conducting business, need to actively seek out new clients and the internet has the potential of reaching thousands of people on a daily basis, but just because you have a website set up doesn’t mean the work is done. A successful internet marketing plan depends on adding new and fresh information.