Dallas 7/29/2011 4:10:44 AM
News / Law

Fast and furious scandal adds fuel to anti-immigration debate

ATF agents appeared in a congressional hearing on Tuesday to give testimonies regarding the failed operation. The details of the operation added fuel to anti-immigration debate and advocates for reform believe the scandal could have been avoided with tighter security on the border.

The “Fast and Furious” scandal involved ATF agents allowing the sale of thousands of firearms to known members of Mexican drug cartels. The plan was to allow members of the cartel to cross the border where they could then track the arms to key cartel leaders.

The plan backfired, and the ATF lost track of hundreds of guns. Many more showed up at crime scenes involving violent crimes. But the flames of fury are not only aimed at the ATF. The fury over this scandal is also aimed at federal agencies who are being blamed for the lack of border security, where many immigrants gain illegal entry into the US.

Coming to the US through illegal means, puts immigrants at risk for deportation. An immigrant must have the proper visas to remain in the states legally. An immigration attorney can assist people with their visa applications.

Anti-immigration advocates are demanding that the US government build better fences along the border to keep illegal aliens out of the states. Keeping out cartel members and restricting the flow of drugs also requires better security by Mexican border customs agents.

Immigration lawyers can help people gain lawful entry into the states. People who hire immigration attorneys improve their chances of getting the necessary documentation for legal residency.