Jackson 7/29/2011 5:02:34 AM
News / Law

Maine man killed in work related accident

A young man working on a natural gas-line project was killed in Bangor, Maine when his backhoe toppled over and crushed him.

The deceased has been identified as Danny A. Dodge, 23, of Jackson, Maine. He was working for Bowdoin Excavation of North Yarmouth at the time of the accident. The company was hired to install an eight inch natural gas line about 9,500 feet long for the Bangor Gas Co.

A detective for Bangor police along with officials from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are investigating the cause of the accident. They are unclear of what caused the backhoe to tip over, but are working hard to figure out the particulars of the case.

The Bowdoin Excavation Company has not had any previous incidents or workplace safety violations listed with OSHA.

In certain circumstances, businesses have been found to be neglectful in their safety practices, though that doesn’t seem to be the case in this particular accident. If a company has been negligent, and that can be proven by an accident attorney, families of the deceased are entitled to financial compensation.

Working with heavy equipment requires special training and experience, most companies provide that for their employees, but sometimes these businesses will cut corners, and their employees can be injured.

Accident lawyers, who are expert litigators, will fight to assure the people they represent have someone standing up for their rights. Obtaining just compensation for the injured or a deceased person’s family is the primary goal for an accident lawyer