British Columbia 4/30/2006 12:44:25 AM
News / Politics

New Study Confirms No Blood Tests for Any Mental Disorder in Psychiatry's Billing Bible



 University of Massachusetts psychologist Lisa Cosgrove, lead author of new study finds "No blood tests" for mental disorders and more than half of 170 "experts" who developed psychiatric diagnoses criteria had ties to pharmaceutical companies.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights, the world's leading psychiatric watchdog established by the Church of Scientology in 1969, says psychiatry's pseudoscience is finally being exposed.

British Columbia  psychologist, Dr. Tana Dineen, the author of Manufacturing Victims that debunks the DSM, says that unlike medical diagnoses, DSM disorders are “voted” into existence by APA members.  They can also be removed if they are too much trouble.  In 1973, the APA voted—5,584 to 3,810—to cease calling homosexuality a mental disorder after gay activists picketed an APA conference.  The DSM wields enormous power for a document that is so fickly determined and is, as Dr. Cosgrove says a “political process.”

 Brian Beaumont, President of the Vancouver chapter of CCHR said, “ People need to be protected from the risks and human rights violations that can occur because of the DSM and  because of the vested influence of pharmaceutical interests on the decision making process for mental disorders. 

 “Every psychiatric expert involved in writing the DSM standard diagnostic criteria for disorders such as depression and schizophrenia has had financial ties to drug companies that sell medications for those illnesses." - Washington Post April 20. 2006

 "No blood tests exist for the disorders in the DSM. It relies on judgments from practitioners who rely on the manual." - USA Today April 20, 2006

"In recent years, critics have said that the manual has become too expansive, including diagnoses, like social phobia, that they say appear tailor-made to create a market for antidepressants or other drugs." - New York Times April 20, 2006.

If you have been harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at 1-800-670-2247