Cigars International’s innovative “5-Star” program allows cigar enthusiasts to sample a wide variety of the industry’s top cigars – at heavy discounts. With 20 different manufacturers involved, spanning nearly 100 blends, customers are able to essentially customize their own samplers, and enjoy discounts approaching 75% off normal retail prices.
During CI’s “Spring Madness” promotion, the discounts are even deeper: customers can choose any three different 5-Star samplers – 15 total cigars – for the flat price of $39.99. With brands ranging from mild to full in strength, there is something for everyone. Notable brands include Rocky Patel, Cohiba, Gurkha, Padilla, Pepin Garcia, Perdomo, CAO, Oliva, 5 Vegas and many more, CI’s 5-Star program hosts most of the cigar industry’s top-rated brands.
“CI’s samplers have always been a great resource for those looking for steep discounts or simply to sample new brands, but the 5-Star program really takes the idea to new heights. Customers can tailor their selections to their own preferences while saving a boatload in the process,” said CI representative Jeff Kocher.
To try Cigars International’s 5-Star Samplers, please visit:
Cigars International, Inc. is the industry leading internet and catalog retailer of handmade cigars. Cigars International ( offers the highest level of quality, service, pricing, and selection. CI features hundreds of top brands, housing nearly 30 million cigars in stock any given day, including the world’s finest national, boutique, and exclusive brand names, in addition to closeout deals and cigar-related accessories.