New Delhi 8/2/2011 12:37:33 AM
News / Law

SlutWalk takes over New Delhi

The SlutWalk is a relatively new protest march, but has been taking place all over the world. The Slutwalk was organized to prove that the way a person dresses doesn’t justify sexual assault or sexual harassment.

The SlutWalk has been happening in numerous cities, and usually entails “slutty” or provocative clothing by participants, but in New Delhi the dress was much more conservative. Many of the protestors, both men and women, were fully clothed, but the point is still the same.

In India, publically groping women or taunting them sexually is called ‘Eve Teasing.’ It is a reference to the Christian notion that Eve, being the original woman, is to blame for the sexual improprieties that women sometimes endure. In certain instances, sexually based abuses have been justified by the way in which a woman dresses.

Sexual harassment attorneys and advocates of women’s rights have defended many women who have been victimized by men, and have excused their behavior, by pointing out that their attire can provoke harassment.

In the workplace, a majority of women have stated that at one point they have been subjected to some form of harassment, and they often retain sexual harassment lawyers to put an end to the problem. 

Federal laws forbid any person from engaging in any type of sexual harassment, whether it is comments about a person’s body, unwanted touching or solicitations for sexual favors. Many people find that the only way to end their abuse while on the job is to consult a sexual harassment attorney