San Francisco 8/2/2011 11:16:48 PM
News / Internet

Google+ gaining in social media

There have been conflicting reports on whether Google + can measure up to Facebook in the social media realm. With over 750 million users worldwide they are currently the leader an often employed in internet marketing. Twitter comes in second with 175 million users. But Google + is sitting at fourth place in its first month with 20 million users.

Naturally, Facebook has an advantage; it has been around since 2004 is still the leader in social networking. It is increasingly important for people who provide internet and lawyer marketing.

Some Facebook users who have also used Google + are leaning towards Google because of the features which allow the user a bit more control on the look of their homepages. On Google+ there isn’t chat box that crowds your view, and there is video chat. A person also has more control over how they share, and who they share with. Close friends and acquaintances can be put into different categories, a definite plus to extremely private individuals. There is also less spam.

One thing Google + has yet to do is offer business pages, but they are still working out the glitches and will soon offer this service. But with close to 75,000 new users a day they will soon rival Facebook in internet portals. And they will increasingly be used for internet marketing as they continue to grow and improve their service.