New York 8/2/2011 11:25:56 PM
News / Law

Debt-ceiling debate puts a spotlight on the need for immigration reform

Whether you are a pro or anti-immigration there should be no doubt that there needs to be comprehensive immigration reform.

As our nation’s leaders spent weeks trying to grapple with our increasing deficit, people had opinions on ways we could relieve the overwhelming debt. There are solutions on the table and an agreement has been made between the two parties; mostly cuts are on the table.

Although there are millions of immigrants, who are here legally because they had immigration attorneys or other advocates help them obtaining the proper documentation or naturalization, there are still close to 10 million unauthorized people in the states

Part of the debt is associated with social programs that benefit illegal immigrants. An estimated $338 billion in tax dollars are spent on benefits for illegal immigrants, incarceration of illegal aliens and Medicare, Medicaid and education. This adds fuel to the fire for those who oppose immigration and highlights the need for reform.

Illegal immigrants come to the US because of the many benefits enjoyed by American citizens but without a legal presence they can illicit anger in some. A legal presence is possible with the assistance of an immigration lawyer.

Even though, immigration laws are strict, American has one of the most liberal immigration policies and allows hundreds of thousands of people either asylum or migration. Retaining an immigration attorney can help many of these hopeful immigrants become part of the American Dream.