New York 8/3/2011 1:51:59 AM
News / Law

New York girl dies in freak accident

A 13 year old New York girl, Kira Goddard, is a hero to her friends, but couldn't save herself. The Brooklyn girl saw a SUV barreling down the street towards her house on Sunday when she yelled for her friends to run away from an on-coming vehicle. Her shouts came in time to spare the lives of her friends, but she didn't have time to get away herself, and tragically lost her life.

According to the New York Daily news, the driver of the Range Rover was an ex-con named Sean Lewis. He had a stabbed wound to his chest when he got into his vehicle and attempted to drive. He ended up crashing his vehicle into some parked cars when it flipped and pinned her to the front steps of her home. He was also killed.

Lewis has been charged with nine felonies, and police are investigating the cause of the stabbing.

The fault in this instance is clear, but in other accidents it takes an experienced accident lawyer to prove fault.

Goddard’s friends are grateful for the sacrifice she made, and consider her to be a hero. One neighbor told NY Daily News that she always looked out for the kids in the neighborhood.

The majority of traffic accidents are the direct cause of another person’s negligence, and a skilled accident attorney can obtain reparation for the injured or the family of the deceased. Often times it takes the representation of an accident attorney for accident victims to get a sense of justice.