Silicon Valley 8/3/2011 5:03:04 AM
News / Law

Retailers are willing to spend more on internet advertising

A survey of retailers and service providers reveled that businesses are willing to devote more of their advertising budgets to internet marketing. The survey conducted by Internet Retailer, showed that 53 percent of retailers where poised to spend more of their ad budgets on search engine marketing than last year.

Though Google remains the giant in search, 41 percent of these retailers said they will shift some of their budget to Bing, but only 10 percent of their traffic comes from this search engine. Bing may present a challenge for Google in the future. Searches in Bing will not only present results for the search but they also point people to the recommendations of their friends via Facebook. Bing customers are more purchasing oriented.

Retailers will still be devoting the majority of their internet marketing and law firm marketing budgets on Google. For survey respondents Google represents 71 percent of their traffic.

For these retailers, search engine optimization, and internet marketing is paying off.  A comprehensive campaign that employs the main search engines along with exposure in social media.

Some SEO providers have a pay per click program that can push a retailers website up in rankings. Forty-nine percent of respondents to the survey said they are devoting more of their budgets to this service.

The value of search engine optimization and internet marketing is apparent and more retailers will begin to shift their ad budgets to the internet for years to come.