Montgomery 8/3/2011 10:08:31 PM
News / Law

Department of Justice files lawsuit challenging Alabama’s immigration laws

Once again, the federal government is asserting that it alone has the authority to pass and enforce immigration laws. They have filed a lawsuit to challenge Alabama’s immigration bill which is due to take effect on Sept. 1st of this year. This is the third legal challenge to Alabama’s immigration laws.

Alabama’s new immigration law is one of the toughest to be passed by states. So far, the Department of Justice has only filed lawsuits to stop the enactment of immigration laws in Arizona and Alabama.

The tough laws in these states are intended to curb the influx of illegal immigrants that strain their resources. When detained illegal immigrants face deportation, and must retain immigration attorneys. Despite the fact that the Obama administration has deported record numbers of immigrants, individual states still feel that this is not enough.

The new laws in Alabama would make it mandatory for schools to inquire about the citizenship status of students. It would also make it illegal for undocumented immigrants to apply for jobs and make it legal for law enforcement to check the status of people who are arrested. Several other states like Georgia and Utah have passed immigration laws with less strict rules and enforcement.

Immigration lawyers have helped thousands upon thousands of immigrants obtain the necessary documentation to avoid deportation. Whether a person needs a student or work visa or wishes to become naturalized, they will benefit from the assistance of an immigration lawyer