Academic summer camps are known for their ability to help students in a particular subject. But one academic summer camp has documented results that shows dramatic improvements in everything from grades to confidence and self-esteem.
The summer program is SuperCamp, a pre-teen and teen summer camp that has graduated over 50,000 students since it began in 1982. What sets SuperCamp apart is the Quantum Learning teaching and learning methods employed in the 10-day program for middle school and high school students.
These Quantum Learning methodologies are founded on the principles of accelerated learning and honed over the past 28 years by founder, Bobbi DePorter, and the senior educators within her organization, Quantum Learning Network.
By orchestrating a number of mini-success moments for each student over the duration of the 10 days, SuperCamp facilitators are able to build the confidence, self-esteem and motivation of the participants.
The camp also emphasizes character development. The Quantum Learning character program is called the 8 Keys of Excellence. The program covers everything from commitment to making the most of every moment to living "above the line." Many schools in the U.S. and around the world have adopted the 8 Keys as their schoolwide character program.
The summer academic program is now taking enrollments for this summer. SuperCamp will be held at seven U.S. colleges including Cornell, Wake Forest and Stanford. To get more information, parents can visit the website at or call an enrollment specialist at 800-285-3276.