Portland 8/4/2011 12:48:05 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Football player Joey Harrington seriously injured in bicycle accident

Former star quarterback of the University of Oregon Ducks, and first draft pick for the Detroit Lions was struck by a SUV while he was riding his bicycle in Portland, Oregon.

Joey Harrington, 33, was riding his bike on Sunday evening when he was struck from behind. He was flipped backwards onto the hood of the SUV. The driver of the SUV was a 26 year old man, who remained on the scene, and was cooperative with investigators. He was later charged with following too close.

Harrington was admitted to a local hospital with a laceration to his head, a broken collar bone and a punctured lung. He will be released today.

 Harrington suffered some pretty serious injuries, but oftentimes cyclists may suffer from life-threatening injuries, and some even lose their lives. Cyclists are more vulnerable than motorists and deserve to be compensated for their injuries caused by negligent motorists. Accident attorneys have the qualifications to represent these accident victims.

There are close to 85 million cyclists on the roads. A large number of bicycle accidents go unreported because they don’t require emergency room visits, but many others incur debilitating injuries. Traumatic brain injuries account for a large majority of these debilitating injuries. Most accident lawyers are experienced in litigating brain injury accidents.

Bicycle riders take extra precautions to avoid being injured, but the roads are filled with distracted, intoxicated or inattentive drivers. A qualified accident attorney will apply their expertise to assure that accident victims are justly reimbursed.