New York 8/4/2011 12:56:36 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Japanese scientists find that our cells could cause mesothelioma

Scientists at the Kawasaki Medical Institute in Japan have discovered that naturally occurring cells can trigger the growth of mesothelioma tumors.

For decades, asbestos has been the known primary cause of mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer in which tumors grow on the mesothelial, the protective lining of internal organs. Mesothelioma takes decades to manifest, and often these patients must seek out mesothelioma attorneys to obtain the finances necessary for treatment.

 Researchers have recently discovered that there is more at play in patients who contract the deadly cancer than just the presence of asbestos fibers.

In the human body, there are cells that act as a defense mechanism against the development of cancerous tumors. The NK or natural killer cells seek out pre-cancerous cells, and destroy them before they can cause harm. But a study published in the International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology has shown that chrysotile asbestos fibers can inhibit the effectiveness of the natural killer cells in mesothelioma patients and healthy people.

Minute asbestos fibers can be inhaled, and lodge themselves into a person’s lungs. Not only does asbestos cause cell inflammation, but can, in effect, turn of natural killer cells leaving people more disposed to developing cancer.

Asbestos use is declining and heavily regulated, but many people will still contract associated diseases. Many corporations have used asbestos without warning their employees of the danger, but mesothelioma attorneys have been advocates for workers. Because of their diligence asbestos use has declined since the 80s.

Treating mesothelioma takes a multi-modal approach. These treatments are expensive, and the patients find that they need extra money to pay for their care. Mesothelioma lawyers have the proficiency to get just compensation for the people they represent.