Atlanta 8/4/2011 4:00:47 AM
News / Law

Casey Anthony Attorneys Fighting Probation Order, Wins Temporary Stay

Casey Anthony’s attorneys have filed a motion to overturn an earlier order in which Orange County Judge Stan Strickland requires the 25-year-old to return to Orlando within 72 hours to being serving 1 year of probation for seven check fraud charges.

“Right now we're filing one motion to vacate that stupid order," attorney Cheney Mason told reporters Tuesday as he walked into the Orange County courthouse.

According to sources inside the courthouse, Judge Belvin Perry issued a temporary stay on the probation order on Wednesday. A hearing has reportedly been set for Friday.

Anthony pleaded guilty to the check fraud charges last year while in jail awaiting her murder trial. Strickland’s original probation order apparently did not make it clear that Anthony was to serve probation after her release from jail because the Department of Corrections believed Anthony could serve it while awaiting trial. Strickland amended the order on Monday.

Anthony was acquitted of murdering of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, last month. She was released from jail on July 17 and has not been seen since. 


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