Mountain View 8/4/2011 4:11:27 AM
News / Internet

Google+ reaches 25 million users

Internet and social media users have been closely tracking the progress of the newest contender in in social networking, Google+. Scott Steinberg reported on his Rolling Stone blog that Google+ is the fastest growing social networking site, ever. Online traffic tracking firm comScore, stated that in the first month of existence, Google+ gained 25 million users.

In contrast, it took Facebook three years, and MySpace two years to reach that many users. Almost one million people per day log onto the new social networking platform. As it continues to grow it well may well become crucial in internet marketing.

Though Google+ seems to be skyrocketing to a successful future it is too soon to tell if it will last. MySpace was once the leader in social marketing, but Facebook soon eclipsed it and it seems as though MySpace is on its way out, unless their collaboration with Justin Timberlake can save them.

Google+ will have to keep engaging users to keep them interested. They have some features that Facebook doesn’t offer to its users like Circles, which gives users more control on how to manage what they share and with whom.

The impact that Google+ has on internet market has yet be determined as businesses aren’t employing the site, per Google’s request. But that will come soon as they attain more users and work out some of the glitches. For now internet and law firm marketing firms will have to wait to build pages on Google+.