Atlanta 8/5/2011 2:25:46 AM
News / Law

Authorities Looking For Gunman on Virginia Tech Campus

Local and state law enforcement officers are currently searching the Virginia Tech campus for a possible gunman.

Authorities immediately put the campus on lockdown Thursday morning after three children attending a summer camp at the school reported seeing a white male carrying what appeared to be a gun concealed by a cloth. The man was about 6 feet tall and wore gray shorts, a blue and white shirt and brown sandals. He was walking near the Dietrick Hall dining facility. No one else reported seeing anything suspicious.

Students and staff members are advised to remain indoors until the campus is searched and declared safe. The school canceled all classes is posting updates on the situation on their Web site.

Virginia Tech was the site of a deadly shooting spree in 2007 that eventually became known as the Virginia Tech massacre. Undergraduate Seung Hui Cho killed 32 people and wounded 25 others before committing suicide.


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