With Nicaragua at the forefront of the premium cigar world, it's time cigar lovers took a Nicaraguan Factory Tour - and this is the weekend to do it. Now through Sunday, midnight EDT, cigar smokers will save $64.55 on 25 premium Nicaraguan cigars, plus get a very special bonus offer: Add a Capri Elegant humidor (an $80 value) for just $20 more!
With entries from five of Nicaragua's most prominent manufacturers, this 5-pack includes one each of the bold, Don Pepin-made 601 Green, mind-bogglingly complex CX2, super-smooth Oliva Serie G, inimitable Padrón Delicias, and "certified-organic" Plasencia Reserva Organica.
25 highly-rated Nicaraguans plus an elegant 25-cigar humidor for less than a Benjamin? It's just another day at Famous Smoke Shop. A word to the wise: Quantities are limited, so book your flight sampler now.
Famous Flight Club: Nicaraguan Factory Tour Sampler
Strength/Wrapper/Filler/Binder: Varies
Presentation: (5) 5-packs - 25 cigars total
5 601 "Green" Habano Oscuro Tronco - 5 x 52
5 CAO Cx2 Rob - 5 x 52
5 Oliva Serie G Robusto - 4 1/2 x 50
5 Padrón Delicias - 4 7/8 x 46
5 Plasencia Reserva Organica Robusto - 4 3/4 x 52
SRP: 144.50
Weekend Deal: $79.95, plus a very special offer: Add a Capri Elegant humidor (an $80 value) for just $20 more.
Offer valid from Friday, March 27 through Sunday, March 29 only.