Atlanta 8/6/2011 3:01:38 AM
News / Law

Judge Perry Delays Ruling in Casey Anthony Probation

In a hearing Friday morning, Judge Belvin Perry delayed making a decision on whether Casey Anthony must return to Orlando, Florida to serve probation for check fraud charges.

Earlier this week, Anthony’s attorneys filed a motion to overturn an order in which Orange County Judge Stan Strickland required the 25-year-old to return to Orlando on Wednesday to begin serving probation. Strickland’s order amended an earlier order in which he did not make it clear that Anthony was to serve probation after her released from jail. Anthony’s attorneys argue that she served probation while in jail awaiting her murder trial; therefore she should not be made to serve probation again.

Judge Perry said he will do more research before making a decision. His ruling is expected next week. "It's not a clear black and white issue. It is a legal morass." he said Friday. "I can't answer the question if someone is erroneously placed on probation can they be made to redo it….I just don't know the answer at this time."

Anthony was acquitted of murdering of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, last month. She was released from jail on July 17 and has not been seen since.


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