Cigars International has launched a streaming video section on their website featuring an ongoing series of short and (sometimes) humorous videos. CI Theater features instructional cigar videos, cigar reviews, and off-the wall cigar-related productions starring “cigar celebrities.”
Many of the cigar industry’s top manufacturers are featured, with notables including Rocky Patel, Christian Eiroa (Camacho), Don Pepin Garcia, Ernesto Padilla, Nick Perdomo, Raphael Nodal (Oliveros), Tim Ozgener (CAO), Phillip Wynne (Felipe Gregorio), Jose Oliva, Joya de Nicaragua and Drew Estate. The current CI Theater library includes over 15 productions.
Each is meant to be entertaining or informative, and new productions are added frequently covering a range of themes, cigar manufacturers, and cigar-related topics.
Cigars International VP John De Marco noted, “CI Theater is simply cigar entertainment, and we use that term loosely. Since so many of the cigar manufacturers are hilarious characters in real life, we wanted to create a forum to make these “cigar celebrities” more accessible to our customers, and at the same time offer more informational and instructional cigar videos for our customers as well.”
To view the latest CI Theater Video Clips, please visit:
Cigars International, Inc. is the industry leading internet and catalog retailer of handmade cigars. Cigars International ( offers the highest level of quality, service, pricing, and selection. CI features hundreds of top brands, housing nearly 30 million cigars in stock any given day, including the world’s finest national, boutique, and exclusive brand names, in addition to closeout deals and cigar-related accessories.