What is Holistic drug rehab?
Holistic drug rehab is a more innovative addiction treatment and recovery therapy as well as being an alternative to the conventional methods and therapies currently available. Search your local vicinity and you will more than likely find a Holistic drug rehab center nearby, maybe more than one. This has become one of the more popular therapies as it targets specific needs of the addicted individual that the more traditional addiction treatment and recovery centers oftentimes overlook or even neglect altogether.
Why is Holistic drug rehab more effective than the traditional?
The Holistic drug rehab center takes the more personal needs of the addicted individual into consideration than the traditional addiction treatment and recovery programs do. The primary difference is that Holistic drug rehab programs include the use of treatment and recovery therapies that help to heal the body, mind, and spirit of the addicted individual. In the traditional addiction treatment and recovery centers, the individual is subjected to the beliefs of the facility and staff with no regard for the spiritual beliefs of the individual.
Overall, the traditional addiction treatment and recovery centers have witnessed a much higher failure rate than what the alternative Holistic drug rehab center does. In some instances, that failure rate is as high as 80%, meaning that 4 out of every 5 individuals that leave the traditional programs will probably relapse back into their addictions. Here are some of the reasons why the traditional addiction treatment and recovery centers typically fail their clients and why the Holistic drug rehab center is more successful.
Traditional facilities are designed to look like clinics or hospitals whereas the Holistic drug rehab center is more residential in appearance – where the former tends to intimidate the person entering that facility, the latter is welcomed into a more comforting homelike environment that they can recover in.
Traditional drug rehab centers take a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment and recovery – conversely, the alternative addiction treatment and recovery center offers programs that can be individualized and meet the personal needs of the person.
Traditional addiction treatment and recovery centers don’t offer recovery tools – the Holistic drug rehab center will typically supplement the treatment and recovery process with certain recovery tools such as classes and educational materials that enable the client to have a successful recovery and remain substance-free for life.
The Delray Recovery Center can help
Our addiction treatment and recovery center offers Holistic drug rehab center programs for those individuals that need this type of program. For more information about these programs are any of the other addiction treatment and recovery programs that we offer, please fill out the form above so that one of our caring staff members can contact you.