Arlington, TX 5/16/2006 5:35:40 AM
News / Entertainment

A revolutionarily new and dynamic ENERGY - FUEL - A New Science Technology for ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION and ELECTRIC AUTO ENGINES –

FINALLY, one of those rare, "believe it or not" news stories, is here, and just in time to save the Earth.   If you think you've heard anything like this before, YOU WOULD BE WRONG!   This is a must read for all those interested in   a totally new ENERGY -   a cheap as dirt   FUEL - CHEAP, SAFE and CLEAN ELECTRICAL GENERATING POWER PLANTS - or a NEW ELECTRIC AUTO ENGINE that   eliminates ALL known dirty fossil fuels, and those being tested fuels and to solve Americas and the Worlds ENERGY concerns.   FINALLY IT'S HERE, and FOR AMERICA and the WORLD   TO ENJOY!   Believe it or Not!


A radically new and dynamic    ENERGY,    ENERGY   SOURCE,     FUEL   and    ELECTRICAL   GENERATING    POWER   PLANTS,   (and as much and as many as the World wants or needs, there is no limit) ,   newly   discovered, complete ENERGY PACKAGE,   IS   HERE ON EARTH!


This package has been elusive to science for centuries, and it   threatens nothing, burns nothing, consumes nothing, nothing explodes or any dangerous residue left over when used,   it harms nothing or no one, and is abundant, more available, will clean up the air, and FINALLY be very easy on one's pocketbook for a change, because the FUEL is as cheap and abundant as dirt, and the ENERGY SOURCE will never stop developing the FREE ENERGY!   (Wait until science gets   hold of this statement, "FREE ENERGY", their centuries old science is SIMPLY WRONG concerning this, as every energy source or fuel ever found on Earth was given by the creator FREE, until it was found, by the Power Brokers, they started charging enormous amounts of money for it).     Truly a REVELATION, maybe even DEVINE in nature, who knows.   IT IS HERE HOWEVER, and that is truth!   YES, HARD TO BELIEVE, BUT TRUE, and in this day of scams, deceit, greed and corruption, what on Earth is good.    THIS   IS   IT!    Those who own it,   even say "CHALLENGE US" on their Web-Site, they are so sure!

This New Science and ENERGY PACKAGE   so simple that scientists will kick their own butts for not discovering it.   It was discovered by a genius non-scientists and kept secrete for 42 years until the time was right.   THAT TIME COULDN'T BE BETTER THAN NOW!

This is a   RARE,    must read,   news release. It is longer than most as it is the greatest, and the best read because NO ONE HAS EVER STATED WHAT THIS STATES, simply because no one ever owned what these people own.   It is one of those "BELIEVE IT or NOT",     GREAT NEWS RELEASES of one of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century, as relates to ENERGY,    FUEL,   the ENERGY SOURCE and    ELECTRICAL GENERATING   POWER   PLANTS, the entire package,  that generates the CHEAPEST,   CLEANEST, SAFEST, PUREST, BEST and most TRUTHFUL, "GREEN" ENERGY ever,   that contains and uses all.  

THIS IS WHAT AMERICAN HAS BEEN LOOKING FOR, BUT HASN'T YET FOUND.   THESE PEOPLE HAVE and OWN IT and ARE GIVING IT TO THE WORLD!   Why would one just give something so valuable away?   Only a charity gives things away!    FINALLY the PEOPLE WIN!

The most unlikely, the most unstoppable, small , powerful,   Texas charitable organization, called ONEGIFT 4 POWER,   OWNS the Earth's elusive 6th   PRIMARY FORM of ENERGY (as before, only FIVE were known of on Earth, and the 6th was elusive for science to find but available since the beginning of time),   made possible by the cheapest, cleanest and plentiful as dirt, a PRIMARY   FUEL , (yes believe it or not, another fuel existed on Earth, not an alternative or replacement fuel, but a truly primary form,   that was given by GOD for FREE, as all the others have been given for free, like coal, oil, gas and nuclear, but greed made them so expensive), that will TRULY replace gasoline, coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear fuels, to phase them all out, in the decades to come,   along with an expected   NEW   SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, (born from the Old Science),  they own, that will shake the very foundations of physics, rattle the bones of scientists, put cynics in their place and alter economics   like few ever altered it before.    ONLY this time,   the SIMPLE PEOPLE BENEFIT IN THIS ECONOMIC ALTERATION!  Yes, it will be rocky at first, BUT so was every other great economic changing discovery in history!

The technology is know as "SOLID-POWER" Technology and is the sibling both to HYDRO and WIND-POWER technologies.   Both of which have been operating for centuries, have fuels that never wear out, has technology that works well for clean electricity -   BUT both cannot do the job of supplying the WORLD with electricity.   "SOLID-POWER" can, because it exists on every square inch of land in the World, and even under the sea.   Can't get your arms around this extraordinary news, WELL the WORLD WILL GET IT, BIG TIME and science will be holding the proverbial bag, and the cynics and disclaimers will get their butts kicked, as well!   Einstein once stated: "For every great discovery, there are millions in science who will disclaim it".   This one will have tens of millions!

IF NEED BE, IT WILL HAVE TO BE JAMMED DOWN THE THROATS OF THE DISBELIEVERS and DISCLAIMERS and cynics of science!   Yes, those who own it are arrogant.   Why?   Because there is so much controversy surrounding it, that most will just pass it on as dribble. When, however, they sit and contemplate, with facts, not centuries old, Old Science rhetoric, the possibility that it could have been discovered, and they read why it wasn't discovered, but simply missed by science over the centuries, they then will understand why the organization that owns all is so cock sure they are right!   In fact they say:


They even say, CHALLENGE US, on their Web-Site,, that's how sure they are! They claim they can PROVE ALL THEY SAY!   Who are they?   Read On!     By the way, we have been told this news release is to long,   SO, one can stop reading anytime they want, BUT they will miss the biggest news in centuries!   NONE of the thousands of daily news releases even comes close to this one!   This is EARTH SHATTERING!   Sometimes, the best comes from the strangest source.   This is one of those!   And, wouldn't at least, an intelligent entity CHECK THIS OUT?    One would think so, if they were in the news business!

Science didn't discoverer these, a non-scientist did, and it all started 50 years ago, but he, as he is now 71 years old,   GAVE ONE to the most unlikely entity ever, in 2005, (because Congress altered the rules), to Introduce ALL to the World for everyone's benefit, because the World and America need drastic help,   starting NOW, 2006,   THE WORLD WILL GET THE NEWS, and the technology.   This is an entire package, NOT JUST A BAND-AID!

This is not a dream, idea, magic nor is mystic, and certainly not magnetism,   hydrogen, hybrid, ethanol, bio-diesel, and has nothing to do with whatever you think you may know about.   It's MUCH CHEAPER, cleaner, safer, more abundant, and more available than anything ever in history.   It is here on Earth as one reads this, to Help America, the World, YOU and YOURS and science DIDN'T discover it, the government didn't fund it, big business doesn't own it, stock holders do not control it, power brokers cannot over price it and foreign oil brokers and dictators cannot tell the U.S.A. what to do with it!    CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?    Most everyone in science will not, but they never believe the best when released, as history reveals, especially when they didn't discover it.   WHAT ELSE CAN WE SAY, or HOW ELSE CAN WE SAY IT?   IT'S ALL TRUE!   Believe it or not!   And, we use every superlative known, simply because NOT ONE IS GREAT ENOUGH TO DESCRIBE THIS! This is DYNAMITE!

The organization needs NO INVESTORS!   This is a charitable organization,   APPROVED by the I. R. S. as such, and for TWO activities at that.   The only one in the U.S.A. we believe,   that has accomplished this.   It also will ONLY hold a ONE-TIME-FUND-RAISING-DRIVE and never ask for one more penny from its few like-minded, forever more attached,   partners and friends, ever again.   Even the organization was ingeniously put together.   Never heard this before, have you.   Not wanting more and more, more and more money from it's members.

There is NO high-tech here, ( probably why no one of science discovered it).   The discovery came from a field of science that has been "DEAD" for decades, called "Classical Mechanics!"   All is so simple, that science will kick its own butt when they find out, that they didn't discover it!   After all, do they discover everything?   No.   There is MORE natural phenomena in and on Earth that hasn't been discovered.   Most big time discoveries are made by non-scientists and the cynics of science go about beating on these until the true facts are known.   It's happened dozen of times in history.

This FUEL is the last of   the triplet to HYDRO and   to WIND-POWER fuels, and never has been used as such by science, but has been available for eons, as science missed it over the centuries, and this organization can prove this, as well.   Science, even today, hasn't a clue about the existence of its use possibilities, but they do have,   many erroneous reasons it cannot be discovered, but this ENERGY and FUEL will revolutionize   FOUR MAJOR – TRILLION   DOLLAR - INDUSTRIES.    It didn't magically appear, someone had to spend time and money on discovering it, BUT it has been here since the beginning of time.   So has the ENERGY and the ENERGY SOURCE, and the TECHNOLOGY has been operating for eons.

Yes, BELIEVE IT OR NOT!    Many news stories have come and gone, and many make claims,   but...

...THIS is the NEWS STORY of the AGES, the one RARE ONE that HAD TO COME ALONG, as the ENERGIES,   like Chemical energies and   Nuclear energy, two of the present FIVE FORMS known of on Earth, (the other three being Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical),   with fuels that are running out, and are very dangerous and COSTING MORE and MORE DAILY, CONTROLLED BY FOREIGN DICTATORS, and the technologies we have today, are unsafe as well,   ARE   RAPING and KILLING the PEOPLE of America and the Earth, their pocketbooks and the environment, as NO ONE HAS AN ANSWER for this, Period!   These do!  

Even   the so called   other "GREEN ENERGIES", WIND-POWER, which will only generate 4% of the Earths needs, in its best day,   is KILLING TENS of THOUSANDS of BIRDS, YEARLY,   as we speak, and HYDRO, that which can only generate another 5 to 8% of what the Earth needs, CAN ONLY BE GENERATED FROM RIVERS, and MOST ARE ALREADY BEING USED.   And how about that news that WIND-turbines are being planned for the Gulf of Mexico.   These will kill millions of birds, it is expected, but no one cares.    NOW   THERE   IS   A   BETTER WAY!  Cheaper, as well!

Yes, there are many "alternatives" being searched for and spoken of, our government is funding billions for,   BUT THESE WILL EVEN COST   PEOPLE MORE THAN the OLD DIRTY ONES, and WILL STILL STRANGLE   PEOPLES   POCKETBOOKS by the Power Brokers, and ALL THESE ARE NOT AS CLEAN as THIS ONE MENTIONED HEREIN!   

OVER 50% of the U.S.A. ELECTRICITY is generated by COAL, the dirtiest of all fossil fuels!  

How can COAL be cleaned up , as State and Federal governments want, as is needed in Texas (over 59% ), and other States?   Billions upon billions   will have to be spent, in the coming years, for scrubbers, by all those who generate electricity today with coal, BUT BAD AIR WILL CONTINUE,   NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO.  

One cannot clean up something that burns, explodes or is consumed by fire and heat, or the spoils left by spent nuclear fuels, no matter what is done!   It has to be replaced!   Plus, the mining of coal is destroying parts of our country.   DESTROYING IT, just to get at the coal!

This ENERGY, FUEL and NEW SCIENCE will in fact run Electrical Generating Power Plants, as small as one for Electric Automobiles, up to others for Home and Business,   Factories and Large Industrial units, ON-SITE   or Pre-manufactured Units, and one they state can generate over 2080 MW, or double or triple, that which the Hoover Dam generates,   on 1/800th of the land. It's also the CHEAPEST, CLEANEST, SAFEST and MORE ABUNDANT, MORE AVAILABLE, of   the

"GREENEST"   ELECTRICITY EVER KNOWN OF ON EARTH!   It will indeed solve ALL of the ENERGY CONCERNS and FUEL CONCERNS in America and the World!    PERIOD!   

Yes, once again, BELIEVE IT or NOT!       GOD   WANTS   HIS   PRISTINE EARTH BACK and those who control the Earth now, WILL NOT GIVE IT TO HIM!    And, if one believes HE is sending his SON to Earth, does one believe his SON will come to this dirty Planet?    Even if you do not believe, SOMETHING HAD TO COME ALONG TO SAVE YOU AND YOURS!   No matter, ALL has to be changed or the bad environment, if not the higher and higher prices, WILL KILL EVERYONE!

While everyone is looking for an "ALTERNATIVE FUEL" and ENERGY SOURCE, these people OWN a   FACTUAL - SIMPLE - PRIMARY ENERGY and FUEL SOURCE, that will generate electricity for LESS THAN ½ of what is now being spent on electrical power by households and businesses, and AS   MUCH AS ANYONE WANTS or NEEDS, today, tomorrow and forever. (And the best part is, the Electric Utility Companies will make the same profit, but the price of electricity will be much cheaper to the consumer, because the FUEL is cheap, and once placed, will last a lifetime.   Truly a win, win economic situation).   They claim, AS FACT,   the Power Plants will last for a hundred years, the CHEAP FUEL will never wear out, (water and wind never wear out, why should the third known matter on Earth, ever wear out?   It never has and never will, a scientific fact), and the ENERGY SOURCE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL the END of time, (as it has been operating since the beginning of time)!   PLUS, the FUEL only needs purchased ONE TIME, and the costs of getting it out of the ground, transporting it, storing it, and begging foreign barons for it, WILL STOP FOREVER, thus the cost   SHOULD NEVER GO UP.

Once more, BELIEVE IT or NOT!   But, if one doesn't at least check it out, WHOA is to them!

Sounds like Alice in Wonderland stuff, or someone's on grass, doesn't it?     Millions didn't believe Galileo when he proved all of science, those that believed in their Old Science for 2000 years, four centuries ago, TOTALLY WRONG.   They even called Galileo nuts and it's been said that they put him to death, for one of his factual discoveries.   That's how wrong and cynical science was in his day!  

Tens of millions didn't believe Einstein, just a century ago, and they called him nuts, as well.   Today, if your intelligent, you're considered an "Einstein!"   His equations and theories were beat into the ground, until decades later, they were all proved right, and still denouncers came out of the woodwork!

Hundreds of millions WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS, but THEY ALL WILL BE PROVEN WRONG ONCE AGAIN, as they believe only in their four centuries of Old Science, BECAUSE THIS ORGANIZATION is NOT NUTS!    Yes they   had to adopt an attitude, but   science has a worse one!

In fact, this organization has issued a "CHALLENGE US", (American entities only), on their Web-Site, for those few who have the means and the intestinal fortitude to do so, AND THEY CLAIM THEY CAN PROVE ALL THEY STATE!   This is more than science can prove against them.   Science uses centuries old rhetoric as their proof, centuries of physics laws and principles that most of which have never been proven absolute, as this has been stated by the most intelligent person on Earth, not by the organization, although they believe the same thing.   The organization   offers FACTS as their proof, and a "Pandora's Box" FULL of scientific   secrets!

They invite EVERYONE to visit their Web-Site,, and read what they own, what they can do, and how those few who believe, can JOIN THEM in saving America and the World, as they cannot be stopped by Power Brokers, Dictators or anyone with an agenda to KEEP the STATUS QUO, as money, greed and power is all these know!   Helping the World is not their agenda

THIS is a charitable organization and WHO can stop one of these from Helping the World.


THOSE who join the organization,   will in fact have their NAMES IMMORTALIZED, along with theirs, forever in history, as well as the amazing, supposedly impossible one GIFT of a Power Plant, they were given by a 71 year old genius,   (plus have the first-rights-of-refusal for nine more all using a different New Science, but the same FUEL and ENERGY, of the same Technology), as he has been working on it, fighting with science over it,   and has owned it for over 42 years, carefully keeping the secrets hidden from those who had other agendas than Helping the World, waiting for the TIME to be right to Introduce it to the World.   THAT TIME IS NOW!


Yes,   this news release may be a "Believe it or Not" release, BUT GOD WILLING, this organization and what they own WILL IN FACT MAKE MAJOR HEADLINES, ALL OVER THE WORLD, in just a few short years!