Atlanta 8/13/2011 1:21:23 AM
News / Law

Casey Anthony Will Return To Orlando For Probation, Judge Rules

A Florida judge has ordered Casey Anthony to return to Orlando within two weeks to begin serving a 1 year probation sentence in her check fraud case. Judge Belvin Perry issued the order after 10 days of deliberation on the matter.

The probation issue was brought to Judge Perry’s attention last month after Judge Stan Strickland amended a previous order in which he did not specify that Anthony had to serve probation after being released from jail. Anthony’s attorneys argued that she completed the sentence while in jail awaiting her murder trial and should not be required to serve probation a second time. They also argued that it is too dangerous for Anthony to return to Orlando because of the public’s outrage over her acquittal in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony.

In his ruling Friday, Judge Perry said Anthony must return to Orlando on August 26. He said her address will remain confidential.


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