Twitter has found its way to the world of academic summer camps. Parents who want to stay on top of how summer enrichment programs prepare for the summer onslaught of students can go to Twitter and follow the tweets that come from SuperCamp.
SuperCamp's Twitter tweets include links to great parenting content from others in the Twitter nation and elsewhere on the Internet. It serves as a great resource for parents looking into teen summer camps and college prep programs.
Twitter is just one of many ways that SuperCamp stays in touch throughout the year with parents, SuperCamp grads and other students who are interested in learning more about the summer academic programs. The summer camp has a presence on Facebook and MySpace. In addition, there is a SuperCamp grad blog and a monthly e-newsletter, ParentConnect, for parents of SuperCamp graduates.
The academic camp also just ran a one-hour teleseminar for parents, sharing with them practical tips on how to help their teens through these current challenging times.
The summer enrichment camp also provides a wealth of information on its website, including numerous videos and several articles providing resource information to parents and students on learning skills and life skills.
There is no substitute for the real thing, however, which is the 10-day summer SuperCamp experience. Summer programs are filling up at SuperCamp's seven U.S. college locations. Parents are advised to look into dates and locations now before sessions are completely full.
In addition to information at the website, parents can call 800-285-3276 to speak with an enrollment specialist.