Lake Worth 8/17/2011 5:10:00 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Is Alcohol Treatment Successful With Chronic Alcoholics?

comprehensive alcohol treatment will offer the best chance for enjoying a meaningful recovery

A person who is suffering from alcoholism has a disease, no different than someone suffering from heart disease or diabetes. While a chronic disease, there is hope that with the proper treatment, it is possible to enjoy life without the crushing weight of alcoholism.
For chronic alcoholics, they have likely not known what life would be like without the disease. A comprehensive alcohol treatment program will offer the best chance for enjoying a meaningful recovery. The first step for any chronic alcoholic must be to complete an alcohol detox program. This will allow the damaging toxins from the alcohol to be cleansed from the body in a safe and medically supervised environment. Alcohol detox is not something that can be skipped, especially for a person who has been an alcoholic for years.
Alcoholism affects every tissue in the body. It contributes to high blood pressure, diabetes and chronic liver disease. Without alcohol detox and treatment, alcoholism is a disease that has a certain death sentence. Many chronic alcoholics shy away from getting treatment simply because they have lost hope and believe that there is no chance that they can recover from the disease. This is not true. It will take time, patience and dedication, but with the commitment to a quality alcohol detox and treatment program, and the knowledge that every day will be a struggle, it is possible to enjoy the rest of your life with a restored determination and good health.
Chronic alcoholics can find hope once again with a quality alcohol treatment program, but only if they truly want to turn their life around. There will be no chance of achieving a successful and lasting recovery without the desire to change. But it is within reach!