Houston, TX 4/20/2009 9:53:57 PM
News / Business

DHEA Supplement Cream - Twist 25 – As DHEA declines cardiovascular health declines. Restore Youthful Drive, Appearance and Energy Levels – Research shows DHEA is associated with improved vascular health.

We all want to look and feel young; and slow the effects of aging.


DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) sulfate is the most abundant circulating steroid hormone in humans. DHEA and DHEAS progressively decline with age suggesting that they are associated with the aging process and perhaps cardiovascular aging. DHEA acts as a survival factor for vascular endothelial cells and the heart.


Studies show an inverse correlation between DHEA/DHEAS concentrations and mortality, particularly mortality due to cardiovascular disease.


Imagine a cream that when applied daily can not only reduce abdominal fat but also restore youthful energy levels, sex drive, and the cardiovascular system as well.


Scientific clinical research, the PAQUID study, has shown a higher mortality in male patients with lower DHEAS concentrations.


Twist 25 is a transdermal anti-aging DHEA supplement cream. Twist 25 was developed to provide people DHEA in the right way. DHEA is a naturally occurring compound produced by the adrenal glands and metabolized in the skin. 88% of DHEA is metabolized in the skin. Thus providing your body with bioidentical DHEA via absorption through the skin is the right thing provided to the system the right way.


DHEA is a base building block for more than 50 hormones, especially androgens.


Our body’s DHEA production typically peaks by age 25 and as time passes those levels drop at about 2% every year, resulting in what we associate with age – decreases in hormones as we age is known as “menopause” in women and as “andropause” in men - a loss of energy, reduced motivation, less sexual drive, loss of muscle, increased fat, loss of skin integrity and hydration, age spots, and more.


Now available from Health2Go, Inc. Twist 25 DHEA Supplement Cream helps reduce

the effects of DHEA depletion.


In a study done by Molecular and Cellular Gynecological Endocrinology Laboratory, Department of Reproductive Medicine and Child Development Division of OB-Gyn. University of Pisa, Via Roma Italy it was shown that as DHEA declines cardiovascular health declines.


Health2Go, Inc. offers Twist 25 to consumers. A safe effective transdermal DHEA supplement cream – Twist 25.  


The proper method of delivery, percutaneous administration with a custom made cream allows the user to see and feel improvements in fitness, leaner appearance, enhanced energy levels, better sleep, improved mental sharpness and enhanced sex drive within a few weeks.


Maintaining youthful DHEA levels is a safe and effective way to maintain an active lifestyle and look and feel better too.


Supplement DHEA the right way after age 35 with Twist 25 bioidentical DHEA cream.   You can look and feel your best by providing your body “the mother of all hormones”, DHEA. Simply rub in Twist 25 daily as a skin cream and within a few weeks the benefits begin to be felt, “its like finding a fountain of youth in a cream”.

 Health2GO, Inc. - For more information or to order Twist 25 Please visit the web site at  http://www.twist25.com/



Hugh Woodward


(888) 489-4782

