Atlanta, Ga. 4/22/2009 3:18:14 AM
News / Law

President Barack Obama Leaves Open Possibility of Prosecution for CIA Memos Regarding Interrogation Techniques

U.S. President Barack Obama has left open the possibility that officials who penned memos regarding interrogation techniques during the Bush administration could face prosecution.


Obama has said it would be up to the attorney general to decide whether or not those officials who signed off on torture techniques would face legal action. The memos in question detailed methods that CIA agents could utilize when interrogating terrorism suspects.


Efforts to prosecute the officials of those memos would be a direct shift from what White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel stated earlier. Emanuel had said that the Obama administration would not look to pursue those who “devised policy,” rather they wanted to move forward.


Obama seemed to distance himself and his administration from that approach on Tuesday when he stated, “With respect to those who formulated those legal decisions, I would say that that is going to be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws.”


Obama has faced growing pressure from his Democratic Party to leave the door open for prosecution as news of the memos, many detailing the techniques used against a pair of al-Qaeda suspects, became public. Among the techniques mentioned were waterboarding and sleep deprivation.


Those close to the Bush administration as well as many CIA officials have defended the methods, saying they were effective techniques in gaining valuable information that protected American lives.


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