Atlanta, GA 5/1/2009 2:47:22 AM
News / Law

Deborah Perez Claims Father Guy Ward Hendrickson Was Zodiac Killer

Deborah Perez, a California woman, claims that her father Guy Ward Hendrickson was the infamous Zodiac Killer, according to reports on Thursday.

The Zodiac Killer was responsible for five Bay Area murders in the 1960s but was never found, identified nor arrested. His elusiveness had created a lore about his mysterious identity.

On Wednesday, Perez announced to reporters and Zodiac Killer aficionados that her adoptive father Guy Ward Hendrickson was the Zodiac Killer and killed at least two of the victims. She also announced that Hendrickson, who has long been dead, took her with him on one of the murders and she witnessed it herself at age seven. Perez also said she jotted down some of the taunting notes the Zodiac Killer sent to the press and police.

“I was a child and just thought I was helping my dad,” said Ms. Perez, a 47-year-old real-estate agent from Southern California. “I didn’t know.”

According to her lawyer Kevin McLean, Perez reportedly passed psychological exams and her handwriting samples had been confirmed by Bart Baggett, an “expert document examiner” from Los Angeles. Baggett also happens to be an executive producer and narrator of a coming documentary about the infamous case.

Perez said she had been oblivious to the Zodiac case until 2007, when she saw an episode of "America’s Most Wanted" about it and started to think her father was involved. However, she offered little concrete evidence on Wednesday.

Claiming to know the identity of the Zodiac killer has been a regular occurrence in the Bay Area since the 1960s. With all of the research that has been done and media attention it has been given, this claim will take a lot of prodding to be taken very seriously.

Prior to Perez's claim, Arthur Leigh Allen had been considered the prime suspect for the "Zodiac murders", but he was never charged. Allen was a convicted child molester and due to certain circumstances, had many similarities to the killer.

Allen was identified as the killer in Robert Graysmith's book Zodiac and the 2007 movie Zodiac, which starred Jake Gyllenhaal, about the killings. He died in 1992 without officially being arrested or identified as "The Zodiac Killer".

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