Houston, TX 5/11/2009 10:25:52 PM
News / Health & Wellness

DHEA - Research Shows DHEA Associated with Improved Vascular Health

Research from the American Heart Association describes protective agents that support vascular health and reduce risks of developing cardiovascular conditions - DHEA supplement cream such as Twist 25 and sexual enhancement products such as Levitra, or Cialis, or Viagra.

Dr. John Woodward at Medical City Dallas indicates that “combining these two is a highly effective protective regimen against cardiovascular events; and that adding Omega 3 fatty acids, a safe potent anticoagulant, further supports vascular health.”


DHEA is a base building block for more than 50 hormones. Recent clinical studies performed at the University of Pisa in Rome, Italy show DHEA is associated with improved vascular health.


 Our body’s DHEA production typically peaks by age 25 and as time passes those levels drop at about 2% every year so that by age 70 we only make 10% of the DHEA we made at age 25 resulting in what we associate with age – decreases in hormones cause decreased energy, reduced motivation, less sexual drive, loss of muscle, increased fat, loss of skin integrity and hydration and more.


We all want to look and feel young; and slow the effects of aging.


DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) sulfate is the most abundant circulating steroid hormone in humans. DHEA acts as a survival factor for vascular endothelial cells and the heart.


Twist 25 was developed to provide people DHEA in the right way. DHEA is a naturally occurring compound produced by the adrenal glands and metabolized in the skin. 88% of DHEA is metabolized in the skin. Thus providing your body with bioidentical DHEA via the skin makes sense.


Health2Go, Inc. offers Twist 25 to consumers as a safe effective DHEA supplement cream. 


After about age 35 most people benefit from Twist 25. After all DHEA  is “the mother of all hormones”. And all you have to do is rub in Twist 25 daily as a skin cream.


Maintaining youthful DHEA levels is a safe and effective way to maintain an active lifestyle while also looking better and feeling better too.


For more information or to order Twist 25 Please contact Health2Go or visit our web site at  www.twist25.com



Hugh Woodward

(888) 489-4782