New York, NY 5/16/2009 1:33:28 AM
News / Business

Overtime Lawsuit Resource Center Released by Lawyer Central

Lawyer Central is pleased to announce the release of its new Overtime Lawsuit Resource Center, a comprehensive source of legal information for workers who have been forced to work unpaid overtime hours.

According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, non-exempt employees should receive time-and-a-half pay for hours worked over 40 in one workweek. Unfortunately, every year thousands of employees fall victim to FLSA violations.  In 2003 alone, over $200 million was recovered in back wages because of overtime violations. Overtime lawyers can file claims on behalf of employees who have been wrongfully deprived of fair pay for every hour they worked.

The Overtime Lawsuit Resource Center features information about overtime pay, the Fair Labor Standards Act, how to calculate overtime pay, overtime lawsuits, and other critical information related to this topic.  There is also a list of frequently asked questions that address common concerns and misunderstandings that employees often have regarding overtime pay. An explanation of overtime exemptions, such as the executive, administrative, and professional exemptions, and how to determine whether you are an exempt or non-exempt employee is also available.

Additional information about common overtime scams that some employers use to avoid paying the overtime pay that their workers have earned is featured as the third information category on the Overtime Lawsuit Resource Center page. Some employers force employees to work off the clock, short change their hours, or intentionally misclassify them into exempt categories in order to wrongfully deprive them of the overtime compensation they are owed. If you feel you have been the victim of an overtime scan, you should speak with an overtime lawyer today to find out how to file an overtime lawsuit.

If you believe that you have an unpaid overtime claim, visit Morgan & Morgan Overtime Lawsuit Resource Center today. To find out if you are eligible to participate in an overtime lawsuit, fill out the free case evaluation form on the right side of the page. An overtime lawyer may be able to help you recover double your unpaid overtime wages. There are time limits that apply to overtime claims, so it is important to act promptly in order to ensure that your rights can be fully protected.

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