The education platform has included Dixio ForWeb in its Virtual Learning Environment for students and its ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for teachers, a platform providing teaching management support. Both the teachers and pupils of the more than 160 schools subscribed to the platform can use the intelligent dictionary, pioneering the use of this unique technology applied to education.
Clickedu has chosen Dixio with the clear intention of helping the pupils of its subscribed schools. When pupils access the platform to see notes or lessons uploaded by their school, they can instantly see the definition of the words they don’t understand just by clicking on them. Likewise, teachers who access the ERP can also use the tool to manage administrative affairs such as agendas, classroom allocation, parent communications and the organisation of school lunches and other services.
As well as being able to use Dixio by accessing Clickedu, both pupils and teachers can download Dixio Desktop and use the tool on their own PCs either at home or at school.
Dixio has more than 100 dictionaries, placing the definitions of more than 23 million words at the user’s disposal. It also provides permanent access to the latest information with encyclopaedic sources such as Wikipedia.