New York 9/13/2011 1:43:40 AM
Mid-Day Trading Movers (CTCM) (GE) (ORCL) By
CTC Media, Inc. (CTCM) fell off a cliff in today's trading. The stock was down 15.38%, moving down to $11.55 per share. 873,276 shares were traded so far in today's session. On average, a total of 337,782 shares are exchanged in CTCM each day. This high volume usually confirms the trend in the movement of the stock price.
General Electric Company (GE) stock struggled to keep afloat today, and fell by 2.08% to $14.7754 per share. 55 million shares were traded so far in today's session. On average, a total of 69 million shares are exchanged in GE each day.
Oracle Corporation (ORCL) struggled to keep afloat today, and fell by 0.12% to $25.97 per share. Stock volume in Oracle Corporation was 19 million shares in the trading session.