It is quite an accomplishment to admit your addiction to alcohol and recognize that treatment is the only way to reclaim your life once again. Contacting an alcohol treatment center is the first step in getting clean and sober, but understandably, you will have many questions that must be answered.
The most important question to ask of any
alcohol treatment center is what type of accreditation or licensing the center holds. This is critical because a quality program will have met rigorous standards that must be maintained to retain their licensing and accreditation. Another question to ask is what licenses and credentials do the program’s clinical staff of physicians, nurses, social workers and psychologists hold.
Another question to ask of any alcohol treatment center is whether medical detoxification is offered as part of the residential treatment program. Most alcohol treatment centers will provide medically supervised
detox as part of their program, and this is not a step that can be skipped. Detox is necessary to restore the equilibrium in your body before the work of alcohol treatment can begin.
Many prospective patients want to ask what is the treatment program like? Does it address a full range of the addict’s needs - medical, psychological, spiritual and social - and is the program designed to the needs of each individual patient. Another question to be answered is what help does the alcohol treatment center provide for families and friends of the addict - this is important because every person in the alcoholic’s life needs to be "on board" with the treatment plan.
It is a good idea to ask whether you could take a tour of the alcohol treatment center. It is important to know what the environment is like and whether it is warm and welcoming goes a long way to ensuring success and achievement of long-term sobriety. Addicts need to feel comfortable in their surroundings.
Possibly the most popular question to ask, especially in these uncertain economic times, is whether or not the alcohol rehab center works with the addict’s insurance company. Many alcohol treatment programs will help you file the necessary paperwork and learn exactly what will be covered under your insurance plan.
Once all of these questions are answered, then the alcoholic can feel secure that they have selected an
alcohol rehab center that will meet their every need. Recovery from alcoholism is within everyone’s reach - you just have to be willing to ask questions and seek answers.