Due to a common misconception of the dangers of anabolic steroids, many people believe that Drug Rehab for a person abusing anabolic steroids is not necessary, when in reality anabolic steroid abuse very dangerous as many other illicit drugs of abuse.
To most, a person who abuses anabolic steroids may appear to be big, strong and tough. The reality is that while the muscles are growing, the internal organs are being ravaged. Steroids can also severely affect a person’s mood and upset their brain chemistry. Persons who abuse Anabolic Steroids often are afflicted with a condition called “Roid Rage”. This condition can cause a person who, under any other circumstances would be a calm and rational person, to become enraged and in some cases actually physically harm someone, and or themselves as a direct result of their abuse of anabolic steroids.
For some, steroid use/abuse is more than a drug addiction. There are some who suffer from an underlying mental condition known as BDD or Body Dysmorphic Disorder. This condition involves a severe distortion of ones own body image. These cases, those where two issues are independent of one another, are called comorbidity, co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis cases. Properly identifying and treating both the substance abuse and the underlying mental condition are crucial in the effective treatment of an individual. Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has been successfully providing individualized addiction treatment for more than 11 years, and many individuals who have comorbidity issues have regained their lives.
It's licensed and credentialed counselors and clinical staff that includes an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and the availability of Psychiatric services who are all specialists in drug addiction and alcoholism treatment. The highly capable addiction treatment team is dedicated to providing compassionate and quality alcohol and drug treatment. In these hard economic times - Mountainside Drug Rehab is there to help. Please contact the below number or visit it's
Mountainside Drug Rehab and
If you or someone you love is in need of treatment please contact us at:
800-762-5433 or visit Mountainside on the web at: