Mount Laurel 9/21/2011 9:31:55 PM
News / Law

Costello & Mains Supports the Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Costello & Mains proudly supports the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the policy which provided dubious protection to gay servicemen and women by suggesting that as long as they didn't declare who they were, they wouldn't be asked. The policy was a compromise of an otherwise responsible and successful Clinton presidency which has resulted in dismissals from service of otherwise honorable and courageous service people, dismissals not for failure to serve with honor or courage, but dismissals for being gay.

"We're proud of America and we're proud of our Constitutional tradition of fairness, liberty and justice," says partner Deborah Mains. "This policy is one of many that still make it 'okay' to bash and denigrate homosexual men and women simply for being who they are. As civil rights lawyers, we fight against that sort of prejudice every day, but we're hoping that the repeal of this policy will enable us to shine a light on a now national example of eliminating bigotry and hatred even in institutions where resistance to eliminating such bigotry is strong."

Partner Kevin Costello expresses gratitude on an even more personal level: "I have a wife and a son. Anyone who wants to risk their lives to protect their safety and their freedom is a hero to me," Kevin says, "and they should be treated as such. People who are born gay are simply gay people and as capable as straight people of courage, valor, honor and sacrifice. I'm glad that we as a people have finally recognized that."

The employment and civil rights law attorneys at Costello & Mains, P.C. are dedicated to protecting the rights of New Jersey workers, students and families. If you suspect that your employment, educational or civil rights have been violated, visit today for a free legal evaluation of your claim. We protect everyone from Wage and Hour abuse, Prevailing Wage abuse, Workplace Retaliation, Whistleblower Retaliation, Workplace Discrimination, Workplace Harassment and from Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation and in Schools, on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, transgendered status, ethnicity, military service, parental status, national origin, disability, national origin and handicap.

About Costello & Mains, P.C.

Kevin Costello and Deborah Mains have been fighting for the rights of the workers and families of New Jersey for nearly 35 years between them, having counseled and represented unions, workers, students and their families for their entire careers. They can fight your employment rights, harassment, retaliation, discrimination or wrongful discharge claim in Court. If you have questions about employment rights in New Jersey, visit