New York 9/21/2011 11:38:30 PM
News / Law

Gentek Siding Complaints Available to Be Reviewed by Class Action Lawyers

Gentek siding complaints are available to be reviewed by the attorneys working with Class in light of allegations that the company’s aluminum and steel siding is inherently defective, as it can crack, peel or chip within the original warranty period. Because Gentek allegedly produced and sold defective siding, and failed to fully meet the terms of its product warranties for manufacturing defects, homeowners with Gentek siding complaints may be able to participate in a class action lawsuit to seek compensation for damages, including expenses associated with the replacement of siding. To find out if you have legal recourse for your Gentek siding complaints, receive a no cost, no obligation evaluation of your claim by visiting today. 

Some homeowners have alleged that when they submitted a claim for peeling paint, they were given either a small monetary sum or an offer to have the affected siding repainted. In addition to providing less compensation than what was needed to cover the cost of making the siding conform, the sum was also significantly less than what the company was liable for under its warranties, a Gentek siding lawsuit claims. Furthermore, some homeowners who wanted to have their siding repainted, which may not fully resolve their Gentek siding problems, may need to wait years for this service, also in violation of the warranty’s terms, according to the allegations.  

Allegedly, the specific terms of Gentek’s warranties made the company liable for the repair, replacement or, for siding sold between 1995 and present day, refinishing of the siding. If you had Gentek siding complaints and feel the company did not live up to its warranty terms, visit Class today to find out if you can participate in a class action lawsuit to recover compensation for damages. The site is offering an online case review at no cost and with no obligation to all property owners with Gentek siding complaints

About Class

Class is dedicated to protecting consumers and investors in class actions and complex litigation throughout the United States. Class keeps consumers informed about product alerts, recalls, and emerging litigation and helps them take action against the manufacturers of defective products, drugs, and medical devices. Information about consumer fraud issues and environmental hazards is also available on the site. Visit today for a no cost, no obligation case evaluation and information about your consumer rights.