Naples, FL 9/22/2011 12:55:19 AM
News / Education

Annual Contract Awarded for IAQ Services with Collier County School Board

Geographically, Collier County is the second largest in the state of Florida and the school district maintains over 60 facilities.

Over 30 plan holding Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) consulting firms were bidding for the School District of Collier County’s annual IAQ Consulting Services contract.  After careful review, the school board determined Pure Air Control Services as the most qualified, responsive and competitive IAQ consultant and was awarded a three (3) year contract with two three (3) year renewal options for Investigation of Indoor Air Quality Services with the school district.  Geographically, Collier County is the second largest in the state of Florida and the school district maintains over 60 facilities.

“We are honored to be selected by Collier County School District as their IAQ consulting firm and look forward to developing “Healthy Learning Environments” for students, faculty and guests and those concerned”, stated Alan Wozniak, President/CEO of Pure Air Control Services.
The three year contract (2nd year of 3 year contract) for investigation of IAQ concerns in schools and offices throughout the school district includes
stated Alan Wozniak, President/CEO of Pure Air Control Services.

The three year contract (2 year of 3 year contract) for investigation of IAQ concerns in schools and offices throughout the school district includes:

* School Indoor Air Quality Evaluations
* Environmental Diagnostic Laboratory (AIHA #102795)
* Indoor Air Quality- Screen Check (IAQSC)tm
* Forensic IAQ Evaluations
* Expert Testimony Services

The IAQ consulting contract (#140-5/11) that Pure Air Control Services has with Collier County School District is reciprocal to other school districts as well as governmental agencies nationwide.  Pure Air Control Services has agreed to allow reciprocity to these agencies. 
For more information contact Alan Wozniak or Dr. Rajiv Sahay at 1-800-422-7873

About Pure Air Control Services:

Pure Air Control Services, Inc. was founded in 1984 as a small mechanical contracting firm today sets the industry standard for indoor environmental quality diagnosis and remediation.
Pure Air Control Services is a national provider of the following IAQ services: Building Sciences Evaluation; Building Health Check, Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) an AIHA accredited micro laboratory (USP 797 Lab analysis); DIY IAQ Green Check test kits, Environmental Project Management; HVAC System Cleaning, PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning and Mold Remediation Services among other indoor environmental services.
The company’s expanding client roster includes the General Services Administration (GSA); Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Allstate Insurance; Carrier Air Conditioning; Naval Air Warfare Center, Orlando; and Naval Air Station - King's Bay, Georgia, and many other Fortune 500 companies, school boards, and city, state, and county governments, making Pure Air the reliable industry leader.