Atlanta 9/22/2011 10:40:50 PM
News / Law

Troy Davis Executed For Murder Of Officer Mark MacPhail

Despite seven witnesses recanting their testimonies and petitions bearing hundreds of thousands of signatures, the Supreme Court upheld Troy Davis’ execution. Davis was executed by lethal injection Wednesday night at a prison in Jackson, Georgia. The 42-year-old was pronounced dead at 11:08 p.m.

While strapped to the gurney, Davis proclaimed his innocence for the last time. He told the family of Savannah police officer Mark MacPhail that he was not responsible for MacPhail’s 1989 murder. MacPhail was shot to death while trying to stop the beating of a homeless man in a Burger King parking lot. No DNA or finger print evidence linked Davis to the crime.

“I’d like to address the MacPhail family. Let you know, despite the situation you are in, I’m not the one who personally killed your son, your father, your brother. I am innocent," Davis said just minutes before the lethal injection was administered. "The incident that happened that night is not my fault. I did not have a gun. All I can ask ... is that you look deeper into this case so that you really can finally see the truth.”

"I ask my family and friends to continue to fight this fight. For those about to take my life, God have mercy on your souls. And may God bless your souls,” he added.

Amnesty International and the NAACP condemned Davis’ execution.

"Today, Georgia didn't just kill Troy Davis, they killed the faith and confidence that many Georgians, Americans and Troy Davis supporters worldwide used to have in our criminal justice system,” Amnesty International said in a statement.

"In death, Troy Davis will live on as a reminder of a broken justice system that kills an innocent man while a murderer walks free. The pillar of strength that Troy has been is a testament to his faith and understanding that this movement will continue with more force,” NAACP president Benjamin Jealous Tweeted.

Davis’ sister Kimberly said her brother is now at peace. "When we left my brother yesterday, my brother told us to hold our heads up and be strong because if the state of Georgia did succeed in executing him, they would only take his physical body and not his soul. My brother said he only wanted to be a free man and right now, he is free,” she said.


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