Two years after leaving American Idol, Simon Cowell returned to reality TV Wednesday night with his new show The X Factor. Ex Idol judge Paula Abdul, singer Cheryl Cole, and music producer and songwriter LA Reid joined Cowell at the judge’s table for the first round of auditions.
A 13-year-old girl named Rachel was the first contestant to hit the X Factor stage. She wowed judges with a rendition of Duffy’s ‘Mercy’ and was put through to the next round. Rachel told judges that she plans to buy her family of 6 a new house if she wins the $5 million prize.
Judges were left in awe again following the performance of Aretha Franklin’s ‘Natural Woman’ by a 42-year-old single mom named Stacy. Stacy was put through to the next round.
Another hit of the night was a recovering drug addict named Chris. Chris, who had just 70 days sober at the time of his performance, knocked ‘Young Homey’ out of the park. Judges put him through.
The worst audition of the night was 43-year-old blogger Geo Godley. Godley took the stage in a silver foil outfit, but he didn’t keep it on for long. While singing his own song titled ‘I’m a Stud,’ Godley dropped his pants. The sight caused Paula leave the judge’s table to nearly vomit.
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