Mount Laurel 9/23/2011 8:53:29 PM
News / Law

Costello & Mains Obtains Verdict in Sex Harassment Case

Costello & Mains is pleased and proud to announce that, on August 25, 2011, partner Kevin Costello obtained a verdict in a sexual harassment matter in the matter T. Davis v. Abez Husain. 

"We're all very proud of this one," Kevin, who tried the case, says. "This case was a long time coming to trial and Ms. Davis has been very patiently waiting for her day in court. What makes this case unusual and special is that Ms. Davis told the jury during evidence, and allowed me to say during my closing, that this case was about justice and not even about monetary damages. Although the jury did award damages, this was a case where the defendant had steadfastly refused to acknowledge responsibility and where it was necessary for a jury to listen to the evidence and deliver substantial justice. They did so and we are very proud of Ms. Davis and of the jury system in this state."

The employment and civil rights law attorneys at Costello & Mains, P.C. are dedicated to protecting the rights of New Jersey workers, students and families. If you suspect that your employment, educational or civil rights have been violated, visit today for a free legal evaluation of your claim. We protect everyone from Wage and Hour abuse, Prevailing Wage abuse, Workplace Retaliation, Whistleblower Retaliation, Workplace Discrimination, Workplace Harassment and from Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation and in Schools, on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, transgendered status, ethnicity, military service, parental status, national origin, disability, national origin and handicap.

About Costello & Mains, P.C.

Kevin Costello and Deborah Mains have been fighting for the rights of the workers and families of New Jersey for nearly 35 years between them, having counseled and represented unions, workers, students and their families for their entire careers. They can fight your employment rights, harassment, retaliation, discrimination or wrongful discharge claim in Court. If you have questions about employment rights in New Jersey, visit