Georgetown 9/28/2011 1:28:07 AM
News / Law

Massachusetts lawmakers propose new immigration legislation

Several U.S. states have passed tough immigration laws to help curtail the influx of undocumented immigrants. Now, Massachusetts lawmakers in response to a fatal accident involving an intoxicated driver, who is an illegal immigrant, has proposed legislation intended to crackdown on people living in the state illegally.

A group of 16 lawmakers from both parties announced they are backing legislation, which would impose tougher penalties for unlicensed drivers, better tracking for illegal immigrants, who have been arrested, and immigration checks for state contractors.

Immigrants, who wish to legally work and reside in the states, can contact an immigration attorney to assist them in attaining legal documents.

The legislation also calls for new tactics to help police to track down illegal immigrants driving without licenses and vehicles without proper registration.  The legislation calls for a report about scanners capable of reading up to 1,000 license plates traveling up to 70 mph, which are linked into a state vehicle and criminal databases.

The legislation would also require students to provide immigration verification before they can apply for in-state tuition. It will also require tougher screening for people applying for public housing.

Being the U.S illegally can lead to deportation and to avoid this risk any immigrants can benefit from the expertise of an immigration lawyer.

Navigating the immigration system can be difficult for many, immigration attorneys across the country have the knowledge and experience needed to help a person get legal status.