New York 9/28/2011 10:26:04 PM
News / Law

Mercedes Front Bumper Damage Claims Available to Be Reviewed by Class Action Attorneys

The attorneys working with Class are available to review claims from owners of certain CLK and SL Mercedes models who sustained vehicle damage to their front bumper upon backing out of a parking spot. According to complaints, these front-end bumpers may have a faulty design which causes the bumper to latch onto parking lot curb stops, causing bumper damage when the consumer backs out of the parking spot. If you sustained front-end bumper damage to your CLK or SL Mercedes model vehicle after pulling out of parking spot, the attorneys working with Class would like to hear from you. Simply visit today and complete the form on the right for a free, no obligation review of your Mercedes bumper damage claim. 

Complaints have surfaced that this Mercedes bumper damage occurs due to a design defect in the front bumper assembly because the bumper is closer to the ground than the height of the concrete tire stop or curb. Allegedly, some consumers have incurred up to $2500 in Mercedes bumper repair costs, and it appears that the company is not covering this damage under its warranties. Drivers who sustained Mercedes front bumper damage after pulling out of a parking spot may have legal recourse to seek compensation for the cost of repairs in light of allegations that the front bumper assembly contains a design defect.  

If you sustained front-end bumper damage to your Mercedes CLK or SL models after pulling out of a parking spot, visit Class today for a free online case review. The attorneys working with the site are providing this initial consultation at no cost and with no obligation. 

About Class

Class is dedicated to protecting consumers and investors in class actions and complex litigation throughout the United States. Class keeps consumers informed about product alerts, recalls, and emerging litigation and helps them take action against the manufacturers of defective products, drugs, and medical devices. Information about consumer fraud issues and environmental hazards is also available on the site. Visit today for a no cost, no obligation case evaluation and information about your consumer rights.