New York 9/30/2011 2:49:07 AM
News / Internet

Aiming internet marketing to affluent consumers can be profitable

The strain that people feel from these tough economic times has caused many to tighten up their budgets and spend less of their expendable income. But affluent individuals are spending at the same rate, which makes them an ideal group to target in internet and law firm marketing.

A new report from Interactive Advertising Bureau indicates that affluent Americans are more active than people with average incomes, as reported in Brafton news. In households earning a $100,000 a year or more web browsing is nearly universal at 98 percent. The general population browses the web at 79 percent.

The report also stated that affluent people spend more time on the web with an average of 26.2 hours spent online weekly, while most median income individuals spend 21.7 percent of their time online.

Attracting affluent customers has long been a challenge for advertisers, while also being one of the most important demographics to reach. Any internet marketing that is effective in reaching these affluent consumers can be profitable for any type of business.

Recently, consumer groups stated that consumers often refer to content, blogs and articles before they make their final purchasing decisions. The impact that the internet has on influencing the purchasing decisions of all consumers is undeniable, which makes internet marketing geared towards a business’s target consumer group crucial in driving current sales and attracting new customers. Every business will profit when they capitalize on the power of the internet.