Bill Walsh is the CEO/Founder of Business Coaching/Venture Capital firm Powerteam International. Bill hosts events all over the world presenting with Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Brown, T. Harv Eker, Stephen Pierce, Mike Lathigee and several other well-respected authors, speakers and business coaches. He delivers a message of transformation and practical applications through life stories that empower people to understand specifically what it takes to build successful companies. As an accomplished author, speaker, radio personality and movie celebrity, Bill has the background to connect instantly with the audience by sharing the mindset, methods and systems required to win really big in the current economy!
For everyone that owns a business or would like to capitalize the entrepreneurial dream, his message will enlighten them with knowledge and action principles to turn that passion into success! Bill has an extensive background in foreign currency trading, real estate development and building businesses in more than 30 countries. Over the past decade, his firm has specialized in helping companies launch, grow and create exponential valuation in the market. The Rainmaker Summit and WIN University programs offered through Powerteam are designed to assist entrepreneurs in creating the focus, plans and partnerships required to build multi-million dollar companies!
In 1996, Bill entered the public speaking arena on a full-time basis. In 2005, he formed his own company, Powerteam International to spread his message to a wider audience. Powerteam International LLC provides Internet learning programs, motivational tapes and materials, workshops, and personal/professional development programs aimed at individuals, companies, and organizations required to create success. The empowerment of one’s future is based on one’s ability to take ownership today!Come hear Bill speak at one of Powerteam International’s next breakthrough events!
Click the link below for our upcoming event list and register today!
We look forward to meeting you and remember…“There is plenty of room at the top; it is the bottom that is overcrowded!” –Bill Walsh