Studies show that the earlier a youth starts to use drugs and alcohol the less capable they will be in life. Drug and alcohol abuse can disrupt the brain function in areas critical to motivation, memory, learning, judgment and behavior control. Teenagers still developing judgment and decision making skills may limit their ability to assess risks accurately and make sound decisions about the risks of using drugs and alcohol. This is why it’s so important to prevent drug abuse before it gets a chance to start. Narconon Arrowhead has been helping in this fight by delivering drug education lectures to schools across the nation since 2000.
Higher education is almost impossible to achieve for those who go down the path of drug abuse. When a student starts to use cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs they are more likely to perform poorly in school, drop out of school or continue to higher education. The earlier a youth begins to abuse drugs and alcohol the more likely he or she is to progress to harder more dangerous drugs which will lead to more serious abuse and harmful effects on the developing brain. Once the brain growth is stunted it is harder for the student to learn and concentrate sending him or her into a downward spiral making it more complex to achieve success in almost any area of life.
Programs within the school system are being implemented to raise the awareness in students of all ages about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Having age appropriate programs for all school aged children is a major part of drug prevention. The goal here is to educate kids as young as possible. The sooner they know the dangers of drugs they can make rational decisions. The most rational is to not start using drugs and alcohol. After all, it still remains relatively true that people, who don’t abuse drugs and alcohol before the age of 25, are likely to never develop a serious drug or alcohol problem.
It is the responsibility of parents and communities to educate and protect our children from the ever growing drug problem not only on
If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse and are searching for drug rehab in