Atlanta 10/1/2011 2:38:27 AM
News / People

British Man Dies After Reaching Peak Of Mount Kilimanjaro

A 69-year-old man died on Mount Kilimanjaro earlier this month just two hours after reaching the top of the 19,341 foot mountain. British businessman Alistair Cook trained for the difficult climb for 18 months. The trip was meant to celebrate his 70th birthday, which would have been Monday.

Cook and four other climbers reached the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro on September 11 just before 10 a.m. He texted his wife, Vicky, and said he was “exhausted but so happy” that he fulfilled his lifelong dream. Two hours after his group started the trek back down, Cook collapsed and died of a heart attack.

 “I think that is a great tribute to Alistair and the man he was. He had lots of energy and enthusiasm – a passion for life,” Vicky Cook said of her husband’s final moments.

In addition to his wife, Cook is survived by three children. His funeral will be held next Tuesday in Newtown Linford, Leicestershire.


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