When combined with Viread and Epivir.Merc Co. has reported that its latest experimental drug, MK-0518, has been successful in controlling the damage of HIV.
By lowering the limit of the virus in the blood stream, considered the viral load, the cocktail can limit the damage to an individual’s immune system. This reduction can effectively keep a patient healthy for years. According to Dr. Martin Markowitz of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York, “This early study showed a rapid and significant reduction in viral load up to 24 weeks with MK-0518.”
MK-0518 is considered an integrase inhibitor. As an enzyme, integrase is produced by a virus and aids in the integration of genetic material into the DNA of an infected cell.
Designed as an inhibitor, MK-0518, serves to eliminate an infected cells ability to integrate into a healthy cell.
Drugs in the past have proven successful at limiting HIV but eventually the virus adapts to the drugs and the benefits are negated.
Although not a cure, MK-0518 along with other inhibitors have opened the door to new and potentially advantageous drugs aimed at eradicating HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS.
Merc’s findings will be presented at an international AIDS meeting.