Houston, TX 6/22/2009 10:36:03 PM
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DHEA May Reduce Abdominal Fat and Increase Insulin Sensitivity

DHEA May Reduce Abdominal Fat and Increase Insulin Sensitivity

Research from the Washington University School of Medicine shows DHEA may reduce abdominal fat and increase insulin sensitivity


“The accumulation of abdominal fat increases with advancing age, and there is extensive evidence that abdominal obesity increases the risk for development of insulin resistance, diabetes, and atherosclerosis” writes Dennis T. Villareal, MD, and John O. Holloszy, MD, from the Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Science at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri.


According to the authors, the increase in abdominal fat may be due in part to age-related hormonal and metabolic changes. “One such change is the decline in production of the adrenal hormone [DHEA]…which peaks at approximately 20 years of age and declines rapidly and markedly after age 25 years the authors write.


The authors report “We found in this preliminary study that DHEA reduced abdominal fat and improved insulin sensitivity index” The authors write that larger studies should be done. They conclude that “DHEA replacement could play a role in prevention and treatment of the metabolic syndrome associated with abdominal obesity.”


Dr. John Woodward at Medical City Dallas indicates that “DHEA may be beneficial in reducing abdominal fat and helping to control metabolic syndrome. Further supporting that DHEA is a great protective regimen against cardiovascular events and supports vascular health.” 


DHEA is a base building block for more than 50 hormones. DHEA is “the mother of all hormones” Recent clinical studies performed at the University of Pisa in Rome, Italy show DHEA is associated with improved vascular health in addition to many other favorable effects.


 DHEA production typically peaks by age 25 and as time passes those levels drop at about 2% every year so that by age 70 we only make 10% of the DHEA we made at age 25 resulting in what we associate with age – decreases in hormones cause decreased energy, reduced motivation, less sexual drive, loss of muscle, increased fat, loss of skin integrity and hydration and more.


DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) sulfate is the most abundant circulating hormone. DHEA acts as a survival factor for vascular endothelial cells and the heart.


Twist 25 was developed to provide people DHEA in the right way. DHEA is a naturally occurring compound produced by the adrenal glands and metabolized in the skin. 88% of DHEA is metabolized in the skin. Thus providing your body with bioidentical DHEA via the skin makes sense.


Health2Go, Inc. offers Twist 25 as a safe effective DHEA cream.  Men and women 35 and over benefit from rubbing in Twist 25 skin cream daily.


Look your best. Feel your best.

For more information go on line to www.twist25.com