Sheridan 10/7/2011 12:11:41 AM
News / People

Veteran's Groups Call for Obama Resignation

The United States Patriots Union, LLC and The Veteran Defenders of America have issued a nationwide call-to-action. Acting as one they have called for peaceful disobedience in reaction to the abuses and usurpations of power by Barack Obama and the current leadership in Washington, D.C.

The current administration has proven that people have lost their faith in the government. During the last three years the most egregious offenses against the people, the states, and the Constitution have taken place since the founding of our country. Operating as a virtual dictatorship over the governed and beyond the authority granted by the Constitution the Obama administration’s actions have risen to the level of treason against the United States.

The time has come for Americans to stand together in defense of the Constitution, the Republic, freedom and liberty. We call upon those who have taken an oath of service to take appropriate measure and stand against the destruction of our country. We demand that Barack Obama and Joe Biden immediately and unconditionally resign from their positions of power. We also demand that those who have helped Obama/Biden commit their crimes against the US Constitution resign immediately. These people include but are not limited to: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Attorney General Eric H. Holder, JR; Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor; House Speaker John Boehner and more.

The American people can no longer stand silently by as the time for action has arrived. We must take a stand for the Constitution and we must do it peacefully as our Founders provided the tools to fix a government corrupted from within. Every active and former service member and every patriotic citizen should join us for the following actions:
  • We call upon members of the US Armed Forces, the US Supreme Court, Federal, State, County, Local Law Enforcement and all Intelligence agencies to direct the assets of the popel towards restoring the Constitutional Republic.
  • We call upon American citizens to provide pressure on those who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution to act upon those oaths.
  • We call for a unified march from all fifty states to Washington, D.C. on Friday November 11, 2011, Veterans Day.
  • We call upon Americans who support our troops to march on D.C. with our veterans.
An expanded declaration is being sent to approximately 9,500 members of government today. This will include state and federal lawmakers, their staffs, and state executives. This will show them that the American people demand they take their oaths of office seriously and defend the constitution that the current government has failed to uphold.

Non-member supporters can follow the mission here: