Fort Lauderdale 10/7/2011 1:02:26 AM
News / Science & Technology

Internet Marketing & Technological Revolutionary Steve Jobs Succumbs to Cancer

Internet Marketing & Technological Revolutionary Steve Jobs Succumbs to Cancer

Every now and then, a person who can truly change the way we perceive the world and how we go about living our lives is born. Such revolutionaries may not be war heroes who take swords and guns out to battle; some of them change the world with the click of a button or by taking a bite out of an Apple.

 More Fun to be a Pirate

At 56 years of age, Steve Jobs had everything a man could want except time. Prostate and pancreatic cancer ruined his health to such a large extent that his fruitful life was cut short way before his time. Along with Steve Wozniack, Jobs will always be known as an Internet marketing guru who predicted the oncoming of a new generation of users who would want the most functional and fast products on the market for their use. Jobs has 338 patents to his name and his life was beyond productive. Every year he lived, in the past 15 for sure, perhaps the last 30, he introduced a product that altered the scope of an industry.

 From Scratch to a Becoming a Technology Behemoth

Years before the concept of Internet marketing or indeed the Internet became commonplace, Jobs was the visionary who spoke of a nationwide and worldwide communications system available at the click of a button. Needless to say, Apple Inc. is one of the biggest names and pioneers in the industry whose greatness belies their humble beginnings.

 At Par with Galileo, DaVinci, and Aristotle

When Internet marketing and technological genius Steve Jobs was asked about his net worth and the kind of money he makes, he is known to have said, “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful... that’s what matters to me.” His spirit and ability will surely be missed all around the world.